Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Recast company models to take ‘popular capitalism’ off the ground

Against the ‘predatory capitalism’ that anguishes lots of working people today, co-operatives are a viable business model that puts money back into the people’s pockets. Announced in the Queen’s Speech, the new Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill, which aims to remove barriers to British companies and boost economic growth, would be the first step towards realising this. Alongside the introduction of the bill, I would expect a lot from the reviews of tax and regulatory treatment for employee-owned businesses that HM Treasury and BIS will conclude later this year.

In my last blog article, I mentioned ‘social franchising’ can make this happen much sooner. But before it does, we need something that can plug into the ‘normal’ system to gain co-ops a solid footing. The Government in the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill could go further with a recast or hybrid company model for easing incorporation and seeking finance.